❗ How to identify a fake NFT?

There are many ways to identify a fake NFT, and I'll show you the two most efficient methods:

1. Using BombPrice.shop (Polygon Network Only)

  1. On the website bombprice.shop, you can verify an NFT by clicking on 'Validation'."

  1. After clicking there, you should copy the link of the NFT on OpenSea (attention, even before pasting the link on the website, you may encounter a fake NFT in this step if the number after the last slash is not equal to the ID of the name; it's a fake NFT).

  1. Now just paste the link on the website, and if the NFT is real, the result should be similar to this:

2. Checking the contract:

  1. The second method is manual, but also effective. You should go to Official Links in this guide and copy the contract you want to check (hero or house).

  2. Then, paste it somewhere, like in a notepad, for example.

  3. Next, go to the NFT and copy the OpenSea link.

  1. Now, verify if the contract in the link (the number that comes after /matic/{CONTRACT}/{NFT ID}) is the same as the one you copied.

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