🪙 Coin Allocation


  • Cliff: Refers to a period of time during which tokens are not released or unlocked.

  • Lock: Indicates a period during which tokens are locked and cannot be moved or traded.

  • Vest: Used to describe the gradual release process of tokens over time.

Version 2

From March 2024 untill now

(*) Unlocked all on 21/9/2024

(**) Will unlock amount BCOIN tokens that equal to amount BOMB tokens are bridged from Polygon - Tokenomics v2 created date Mar 5th 2024 - The BOMB token on Polygon is a mirror of the BCOIN token on Binance Smart Chain (BNB), so it does not have its own tokenomics

- 4 weeks = a month

Lock and Vest are deployed at Hedgey Finance

Bcoin Bridge Supply for Polygon: https://bscscan.com/address/0xb10942e761347936F5EeDF217c834dAeD5935893

Bomb Bridge Supply for BNB: https://polygonscan.com/address/0x29ec66F95E2294CB383206e88931eE11c228b4C5

Last updated