📖 Rules


  1. Be Respectful. We do not tolerate discrimination, harassment, racism, etc.

  2. Do not impersonate staff members or present yourself as staff. Members who do so will be immediately banned.

  3. Do not spread FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt).

  4. No Disturbing/Adult/Other NSFW Material.

  5. Do not advertise or promote other NFT projects.

  6. Do not abuse the use of emoji reactions. Inappropriate reactions are prohibited.

  7. Do not speak in languages not understood by the specific text channel.

  8. No Punishment Evasion - Users should not attempt to avoid the consequences of their actions, such as using an alternate account to circumvent restrictions.

  9. No Spamming. - Do not send many small messages one after another. Do not disrupt the chat with spam.

  10. Selling accounts (Wallets) is strictly prohibited. Admins, Mods, and Support will warn/temporarily suspend/kick/ban as discretion. If you feel mistreated, send a direct message to a Mod/Support, and we will investigate the issue.

Last updated